bttf 1917

bttf 1917
Great Scott!

Friday, February 17, 2017

WEEK SIX: The M1917 Rifle

Two guys who are not really knowledgeable about guns try to take a shot -- we will pause here for seven minutes so you can catch your breath from the humor in that word play -- at explaining why the M1917 rifle was so important to winning WWI Also Zsa-Zsa Gabor, talk about what coffee substitute Postum was like, Pancho Villa, the Dam or Dame quiz, and U-Boats.

WEEK FIVE: The Edmontonsaurus

Dinosaurs dinosaurs dinosaurs this week on the 1917 podcast.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

WEEK FOUR: The Silent Sentinels

Who are The Silent Sentinels? What cities do you visit on the 11-City Race? Who was more of a cut-up on the stump, Woodrow Wilson or Theodore Roosevelt? Why do time machine stories head to WWII but hardly ever WWI? These and other questions about 1917 are answered this week on 100 Years Ago Today, the 1917 Podcast. Take a gander!